Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
Harvesting Knowledge with AI
Knowledge sharing is one of the biggest challenges organizations face. As we approach Thanksgiving, a time of harvest and abundance, let's also recognize the wealth of knowledge that exists within our organizations. Whether it's buried in your intranet or still in the minds of your employees, AI can help you harvest knowledge and make it accessible organization-wide. In this episode of the AI Learner Lounge, we explore AI’s potential role in knowledge management. Discover 4 ways you can use AI right now to help harvest knowledge.
‘Generative AI at Work’ paper: https://www.nber.org/papers/w31161 .
Paper highlights: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/kambria-dumesnil_ai-a-new-channel-for-tacit-knowledge-activity-7062750761939595264-D6Y0?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop